
p.s. I won!

A couple weeks later, I received an email from Bob Harrington, New Haven's Photo Walk leader, saying: "The winner of the New Haven Photowalk is Taryn Allison for “Twenty.” I chose this shot based on my initial reaction. I loved the color, lighting, composition, and creativity."
I was so thrilled! It was a pleasure to just enjoy the company of other photographers, the summer weather and beauty of the city, so this was the cherry on top! I'm psyched to receive my prize, Scott Kelby's new book, The Digital Photography Book, Vol. 3. THANK YOU!

The gloves caught my eye right away. They weren't just a dirty object left on the ground, but sort of a story, remnants of a long hard day on the job. The glowing sun lit the ground softly and I loved the juxtaposition of the gloves and my hot pink toes. Also, if you've seen some of my travel posts before, I get a kick out of taking a pic of my feet at each of my new environments, so here was my humorous opportunity I thought!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions! Well done.